The general framework of the strategic plan for the College of Allied Medical Sciences has been developed, since its establishment, to be consistent with the university’s strategic plan, which in turn is consistent with government directions to improve the quality of university education in the country. All of this is in line with the vision and mission of the college.
The Higher Education Council approved the establishment of the College of Allied Medical Sciences at Jadara University in 2023, and accepting students to study there began in the second semester of the same academic year 2022/2023. For its students, the College of Allied Medical Sciences is equipped with the latest equipment, tools, laboratories and modern classrooms necessary for the teaching process
The college has employed distinguished academic cadres in various medical sciences specializations who obtained their academic qualifications from prestigious international universities. The university has cooperation contracts with local hospitals and companies to facilitate and ensure quality training for its students.
Furthermore, the college has developed a robust curriculum for the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science program consisting of 136 credit hours over four years, and the Bachelor of Science program in Respiratory Health and Critical Care consisting of 156 credit hours over five years. The curriculum integrates high-quality classroom instruction with experiential training to provide students with the practical application of medical science concepts and knowledge that allows students to graduate with highly proficient skills and abilities to provide high-quality patient care.
The strategic plan represents the road map that leads the college to achieve its future vision and general goals, by enhancing strengths and optimal exploitation of available opportunities, as well as working to overcome weaknesses and confront threats and challenges.
During the preparation of the strategic plan, the College of Allied Medical Sciences worked to verify the achievement of the college’s future vision, its strategic goals and objectives, its relationship with the surrounding environment, as well as the needs and requirements of the local and regional labor market, and keeping pace with the latest developments in medical sciences at the global level
The "quadrant analysis" methodology was used in preparing the strategic plan for the College of Allied Medical Sciences, which focuses on analyzing the college's internal environment in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and analyzing the college's external environment to reach available opportunities and estimate potential challenges.
Based on the strategic plan of Jadara University, it was necessary to develop a five-year plan to develop the institutional capacity and educational effectiveness of the College of Allied Medical Sciences for the period from 2023-2027. To prepare the strategic plan, the following steps were taken:
•Formation of a team to prepare and follow up the strategic plan.
•aedad muswadat awlyat lilkhutat tashmal tashkhis alwade alhalii lilkuliyat min khallal tahlil niqat alqw t walduef walfuras waltahadiyati, 'iieadat alnazar bialruwyat walrisalat walqiimi, ba'iildafatan lilmuqaranat almarjieiati.
•tanzim waeaqd wirashi eamal mae jamie alwahadat alakadimiat waladariat fi alkuliyat litahlil biyat alkuliyat aldaakhiliat walkharijia .SWOT Analysis
•tahdid alaihdaf a'iilistratijiat almunasabat lifatrat alkhutati, wadhalik bna'an ealaa ruyat warisalat alkuliat wanatayij altahlil albiyiy.
•tahdid muashirat alada' alrayiysiat lilahdaf al'iistratijiat bishakl daqiqin.
•wade alkhutat altanfidhiat walzamaniat walati tashmal almasharie walwasayil alati sayatimu tanfidhuha w aljihat almasyuwlat ean altanfidh wawaqt altanfidhi.
•munaqashat muswadat alkhutat mae eamid alkuliat wamajlis alkiliati.
•Preparing an initial draft of the plan that includes diagnosing the current situation of the college through analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, reconsidering the vision, mission and values, in addition to benchmark comparisons.
•Organizing and holding workshops with all academic and administrative units in the college to analyze the college’s internal and external environment. SWOT Analysis
•Determine the appropriate strategic objectives for the plan period, based on the college’s vision and mission and the results of the environmental analysis.
•Determine key performance indicators for strategic objectives accurately.
•Developing an executive and time plan, which includes the projects and means that will be implemented, the entity responsible for implementation, and the implementation time.
•Discussing the draft plan with the college dean and the college council