
Faculty of Arts and Languages


أستاذ مشارك. اسماء جاد الله عبد خصاونه

building c underground floor


Welcome Speech

Welcome to the College of Arts and Languages, which includes among its sides many academic programs distinguished by the quality of its education, its outputs, and its leading academic cadre with its capabilities at the level of the Kingdom.

The Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​is one of the first faculties of Jadara University and includes many undergraduate programs:

Arabic language and literature - English language and literature - translation - history and the support courses unit in addition to master's programs in English language, translation, , and the college seeks to develop master's programs in Arabic language and literature, media and communication technology.

The college seeks, through its strategic plan and operational plans that are in line with the university’s strategy, to provide advanced scientific contents for students of all its programs, in order to achieve the requirements of the labor market through networking with local community institutions and through the intensity and quality of research of its faculty members in providing effective proposals to address various human and linguistic phenomena.

The College Governance Council conducts a periodic review of all study plans, strategies, methods and teaching methods at the level of the various programs to ensure outputs that are fully compatible with the specifications of the model graduate who is qualified in knowledge and skills, who is able to innovate and compete in the labor market with efficiency and competence.

Perhaps the increase in the number of students enrolled in all the programs of the Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​provides indicators regarding the efficiency and quality of the educational process in the various academic programs.

The college also constantly seeks to provide the labor market with distinguished competencies based on quality standards at the college level and quality standards at the level of its various academic programs.

The College of Arts and Languages ​​will remain one of the most distinguished colleges at the local, Arab and international levels, benefiting from the civilizational heritage of our nation and from the current data and tools in achieving its noble vision and lofty message. Welcome to its rich programs in values ​​and in knowledge of the directives of the wise governance of Jadara University.

Dean of the College of Arts and Languages

Dr. Asma jadallah khasawneh


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