
Faculty of Arts and Languages


أستاذ مشارك. اسماء جاد الله عبد خصاونه

building c underground floor


 Objectives of the Faculty of Arts and Languages

        The Faculty of Arts and Languages ​​at Jadara University seeks to advance and develop the human sciences as a pillar of building human knowledge and skills and in terms of capabilities as the carrier of the cultural heritage that builds any renaissance project. Accordingly, the college works to achieve the following objectives:

First- Permanent upgrading of the educational process elements in the various college programs and for the bachelor’s and master’s stages in terms of: Providing an incubating environment for creativity and innovation based on study plans that keep pace with the times, high academic and administrative staff, sober scientific and practical treatments, and high-efficiency outputs compatible with the requirements of the labor market.

Second - Forming, strengthening, developing and enriching the knowledge, skills, abilities and values ​​system of students of all college programs and for the bachelor’s and master’s stages, and preparing them professionally to enter the labor market efficiently and effectively.

Third - Permanent control of the quality of performance of academic programs for the bachelor's and master's stages in terms of planning, implementation, analysis and continuous development through specialized academic committees, in line with all variables, and in accordance with the needs of society.

Fourth - Encouraging and developing scientific research in the field of literature and languages, and preparing researchers specialized in dealing with various phenomena in the service of society, in a manner that serves the wheel of sustainable development, and contributes to strengthening communication links with other cultures.

Fifth - Continuous attention to the student as the center and root of the educational process by focusing on an integrated series of parallel activities that contribute to the formation and refinement of the student's personality and prepare him in a balanced and exemplary manner.

Sixth - Develop academic competencies and administrative and technical cadres at the college level and its programs, in a manner that leads to the performance of the noble scientific mission with all professionalism and competence.

Seventh - Expanding the development of bachelor's and master's programs to serve the people of society, in harmony with the era's characteristics and requirements.

Eighth - Strengthening the bonds of continuous communication and cooperation with various local community institutions and organizations, holding activities and implementing projects of feasibility and community benefit.

Ninth - Partnerships with various similar local, Arab and international colleges, and various organizations concerned with culture, literature, languages, media sciences, design and history, and the preparation and implementation of conferences, seminars, activities, events and joint projects on an annual basis, leading to intellectual cross-fertilization and contributing to achieving comprehensive development.

Tenth - Achieving the quality requirements of the various college programs in order to obtain local and international quality assurance certificates with distinction for all of the college and its programs.


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