
Faculty of Pharmacy

Strategic Plan

In view of the recent emergence of the College of Pharmacy with its two departments of Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy at Jadara University and the aspiration to work in a systematic framework to extrapolate the future and strive to implement and follow-up activities and processes within a framework that ensures access to high-quality outputs, the College is able to achieve a participatory situation with its counterparts from pharmacy colleges in other Jordanian universities as well as orientation The year of strategic planning in higher education institutions and the pursuit of academic and institutional accreditation requirements for all colleges and the university alike, it was important to start preparing a strategic plan that represents the future direction of the College of Pharmacy during the next five years 2019-2024.

The strategic plan represents the road map that leads the college to achieve its future vision and its general goals, by strengthening the strengths and optimizing the available opportunities, as well as working to overcome the weaknesses facing threats and challenges.

The College of Pharmacy worked during the preparation of the strategic plan to verify the achievement of the college’s future vision, goals and strategic goals and its relationship with the surrounding environment, as well as the needs and requirements of the local and regional labor market and keep abreast of the latest developments in pharmaceutical sciences at the global level.

The Quartet analysis methodology was used in preparing the strategic plan of the College of Pharmacy, which focuses on analyzing the college's internal environment in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and analyzing the college's external environment to access available opportunities and estimate potential challenges.

Based on the strategic plan of Jadara University, it was necessary to develop a five-year plan to develop the institutional capacity and educational effectiveness of the College of Pharmacy for the period from 2019-2024, and to prepare the strategic plan the following steps were taken

• Forming a team to prepare and follow up the strategic plan.
• Prepare an initial draft of the plan that includes diagnosing the current status of the college through analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, reviewing vision, mission and values, in addition to reference comparisons.
• Organizing and holding workshops with all academic and administrative units in the college to analyze the college's internal and external environment.
• Determine the strategic objectives appropriate to the plan period, based on the vision and mission of the college and the results of environmental analysis.
• Determine the key performance indicators for strategic goals accurately.
• Setting an executive and time plan that includes the projects and means to be implemented, the authority responsible for implementation and the time of implementation.
• discuss a draft plan with the Dean of the College and the College Board.
• Organizing workshops for all employees of the college in order to present the plan to all employees of the college to take opinions and suggestions and benefit from the feedback.


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