Jadara Journal of Research and Studies

Open Access Journal
Publishing ethics

Author’s ethics

•    Submitted research should be original and not have been published before
•    Authors should state their contributions clearly
•    Author should mention, where applicable, if their research is funded by any foundations
•    Data resources should be clearly identifiable
•    Final page proofs will be sent to authors prior to publication. It is the responsibility of the authors to report any needed corrections, if any.
•    All submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism via turnitin.

Editor’s ethics

•    The editor should make sure that no conflicts of interest related to the topic of the submitted research exist.
•    Submitted research is peer-reviewed fairly on the merit the intellectual content regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or political orientation.
•    Information about the articles is kept confidential.
•    The editorial board is responsible for making publishing decisions for submitted articles based on the reviewer's evaluation of the manuscript.

Reviewer’s ethics

•    Upon receipt of the manuscript, the reviewers must declare any significant conflict of interest with the topic, and they must refrain from reviewing and inform the editor.
•    Submitted research is peer-reviewed fairly on the merit the intellectual content regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or political orientation.
•    Information about the articles is kept confidential.
•    Any information that may constitute a reason for refusing a submitted manuscript must be reported to the editor.


It is not permissible to republish any research partially or completely, whether in Arabic or translated into foreign languages, without the written approval of the editor-in-chief.