
Strategic Plan

Deanship of Scientific Research

Establishment plan for the Deanship of Scientific Research

First Objective: Support and reward excellence and achievement in scientific research.

    Programs / Tasks


    Developing the program in favor of previous research: -

  • Scientific research priorities.
  • Scientific research support budget.


  • Proposing work program for the priorities of scientific research.
  • Developing a research plan
  • Developing a general vision to determine the amount of scientific research support.
  • Circulating the plan to the university staff.
  • Implementing research support in light of the annual plan to support scientific research.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan.


Second Objective: Determine priorities and strategies for multidisciplinary research.

Programs / Tasks


Establishing research groups for all disciplines at the university to be the nucleus of research centers.


  • Requesting faculties and departments to establish specialized research groups or units.
  • Ensuring that there are at least two research groups in each department.
  • Encouraging joint research projects carried out by multidisciplinary research teams.
  • Monitoring the work of these groups through the departments and providing the Deanship of Scientific Research with a report on their work.
  • Providing all support, assistance and information required for these groups.


Third Objective: Enable university staff to master scientific research skills through organizing conferences, workshops and training courses.

Programs / Tasks


  • Holding a scientific research conference.
  • Holding workshops specialized in various aspects of scientific research.


  • Proposing for a conference concerned with the general affairs of scientific research.
  • Presenting the conference plan to the university presidency for approval.
  • Holding the conference according to the agreed plan.
  • Requesting the University Presidency to approve holding several specialized workshops in the fields of scientific research.
  • Holding at least two workshops per academic year.
  • Conducting scientific seminars within the faculties and departments.


Fourth Objective: Upgrade the Jadara Journal for Studies and Research and work on classifying it within international databases.

   Programs / Tasks


  • Improving the journal scientifically and technically to comply with the requirements of entering international databases.


  • Developing a plan to improve the journal
  • Presenting the plan to the Deans Council for approval
  • Implementing the terms of the plan
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan
  • Submitting requests to join international databases.


Fifth Objective: Improving the level of general scientific research at the university and linking it to community issues.

  Programs / Tasks


  • Improving the level of scientific research.
  • Improving the level of postgraduate research and directing it to community issues.


  • Increasing the budget for scientific research and spending it on scientific research and development activities.
  • Developing the scientific research infrastructure and providing its requirements of laboratories, equipment, databases and specialized periodicals.
  • Establishing an integrated database of equipment and research capabilities available at the university to benefit from.
  • Activating the agreements signed between the university and foreign universities and scientific institutes in relation to scientific research and researchers exchange programs.
  • Encouraging and organizing scientific conferences and specialized workshops.
  • Increasing allocations for external scientific conferences and encouraging researchers to participate in them.
  • Issuing an annual report of scientific production summaries.
  • Providing periodic statistics to serve the general research work at the university.
  • Directing topics of postgraduate theses to address community problems and national development priorities.


Sixth Objective: Develop the Deanship's website by adding many new quality services and fully automating the Deanship's work.

  Programs / Tasks


  Developing the website and the activities of the deanship to be fully electronic.


  • Developing the Deanship's website to become an integrated system on which all the Deanship's work is based.
  • Automating work for conference procedures.
  • Submitting all applications and forms related to scientific research electronically.
  • Reducing the use of papers to the minimum.
  • Adding new quality services to the website to serve the university's researchers


Seventh Objective: Connect researchers at the university with local and international universities and research centers.

  Programs / Tasks


  • Connecting researchers with universities and research centers.


  • Establishing and activating research groups in cooperation with local and international universities
  • Disseminate global research priorities with university researchers to facilitate networking
  • Consistent notification of the most important conferences and specialized workshops for researchers at the university to increase the opportunity to meet with specialists.
  • Inviting influential researchers to visit the university and providing researchers with the opportunity to network directly with them.
  • Activating research agreements with different universities.


Eighth Objective: establish a new scientific journal.

  Programs / Tasks


   Establish a new scientific journal


  • Suggesting the name, scope and objectives of the journal.
  • Appointing the head and members of the editorial board.
  • Creating a website for the journal.
  • Promoting the journal.


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