
Graduate Studies


Criterion 1: Education and Learning.

  1. Developing distinctive postgraduate programs in various specializations that meet the needs of society, fostering creativity, and promoting academic excellence.

  2. Enhancing the level of programs and teaching methods that encourage critical thinking.

Criterion 2: Scientific Research and Theses in Postgraduate Studies.

  1. Elevating the level of scientific research and theses in postgraduate studies and guiding relevant faculties to provide postgraduate students with the necessary knowledge to possess scientific research skills.

Criterion 3: Community Service and Development.

  1. Engaging students in identifying societal issues and addressing them through research methodologies, including writing dissertations related to community issues.

  2. Collaborating and partnering with private sector institutions and civil society organizations, contributing to problem-solving and engagement with community challenges.

Criterion 4: University Structure.


  1. Objective: Developing and equipping the infrastructure of classrooms and various facilities for postgraduate students.

  2. Utilizing human resources in the service of students within the university environment.

Criterion 5: Organizational and Administrative Structure of the University.

Enhancing the academic status of the Graduate Studies College and the high reputation of Jadara University locally and globally. Continuing to establish local and international agreements in the field of postgraduate studies.

Criterion 6: Quality Assurance and Continuous Learning.

  1. Utilizing information and communication technology to serve students and the community.

  2. Enhancing the level of master's theses and committing to the application of quality control and assurance standards.


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