- Strategic Plan
The strategic plan of the College of Arts and Languages for the years 2019-2023 AD in line with the strategic plan of the university
The College of Arts and Languages aspires to be one of the most prominent colleges at Jadara University by adopting standards of quality and excellence at the level of all its academic programs. It seeks strategically to:
First - Preparing, preparing, and building a national generation that possesses science and knowledge and believes in common human values.
All actions described in the first strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Preparing the requirements for building the national generation that owns the cornerstone of science and knowledge.
Building and disseminating the culture of belonging and loyalty of the students of the Faculty of Arts and Languages to the homeland and national identity within the most comprehensive humanitarian framework.
Second - Enriching the intellectual and cultural life of the community by encouraging students to read and research.
All actions described in the second strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Encouraging and empowering the students of the College of Arts and Languages to implement their common initiatives, programs and activities inside and outside the university in a way that contributes to enriching the intellectual and cultural life of the community.
Working on holding and implementing joint activities with institutions of an educational, cultural and intellectual nature.
Encouraging students to research and investigate in various fields of scientific knowledge.
Third - Building an integrated value system for students of the College of Arts and Languages, as it is one of the most important controls and determinants of effective work.
All actions described in the third strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Developing, establishing and rooting the system of positive values among college students, such as cooperation, interaction, respect for laws, good example, scientific ambition, experimentation, tolerance, humility, acceptance of other opinion, intellectual freedom, appreciation of beauty, responsibility, participation, dialogue, integrity, transparency, moderation and leadership.
Activating the integrated positive behaviors of students in the various academic programs in the college.
Fourth - Permanent improvement of the various components of the educational process and in all programs of the College of Arts and Languages through the application of all approved standards to ensure quality at the level of its outputs.
All actions described in the fourth strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Continuous updating of the infrastructure and its technical requirements to create a comfortable learning environment for the student, as it is the focus and root of this process.
Developing the performance of faculty members in the various programs of the College of Arts and Languages.
Continuous updating and renewal of the academic programs in the college in terms of course content, teaching methods and assessment.
Adopting the foundations of scientific theory and various contemporary models in the management of academic programs in the College of Arts and Languages.
Obtaining local and international quality assurance certificates for the college and all its programs.
Fifth - Crystallization, formation and formation of a specialized, integrated and qualified personality for work and production capable of competing and meeting the requirements of the contemporary labor market.
All procedures described in the fifth strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Building the student's integrated personality cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally, capable of simulating reality and self-affirmation.
Providing students with specialized knowledge, skills and abilities to compete and meet the requirements of the labor market.
Sixth - Developing, developing and enhancing the various knowledge, skills and abilities of students, preparing them and employing them for scientific knowledge in solving all problems (adopting science as a way of life).
All procedures described in the sixth strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Focusing on the foundations of knowledge in a way that contributes to the formation of the scientific mentality of the student and his ability to simulate and address various problems according to scientific references.
Providing students with specialized scientific knowledge and contemporary exemplary skills, and enabling them to employ the stock of knowledge and skills acquired in solving problems during the practice of the profession.
Motivating students to adopt the scientific method as a means to address various phenomena and problems.
Seventh - Seeking to form distinguished researchers, cognitively and methodically, capable of dealing with various thorny phenomena in society in a solid scientific language.
All actions described in the seventh strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Providing undergraduate and master’s students at the college with the knowledge, skills and exemplary competencies of the foundations of contemporary scientific research and its solid curricula.
Continuous training on the applications of different methodological and theoretical frameworks.
Eighth - To work diligently to prepare and implement partnerships with various institutions and local and Arab governmental and private humanities colleges to exchange academic and professional expertise and experiences.
All procedures described in the eighth strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Concluding agreements and cooperation partnerships with educational, media, artistic and cultural institutions and local and Arab faculties of arts and humanities to exchange knowledge, expertise and academic experiences. (Institutions of a moral nature)
Preparing and implementing executive plans and programs with institutions of a professional nature to exchange experiences and practical experiences. (corporations of a physical nature)
Ninth - To determine the level of performance of the students of the College of Arts and Languages during the post-graduation stage to develop and update performance based on the accumulated knowledge, experience and expertise.
All actions described in the ninth strategic objective are designed to serve the following sub-objectives:
Communicate with various business sectors to learn about the performance level of graduates of the college's academic programs.
Developing and updating the level of education in the various academic programs courses in the light of echoes and in accordance with the accumulated knowledge, experiences and expertise.
Tenth - Permanent evaluation of performance at the level of the various programs of the College of Arts and Languages to evaluate it and submit proposals for its development and raising the level of performance.